We listen really well, so that your website can reflect who you truly are.

Our Offerings

Websites that connect you to your dream clients.

Tailored Websites

Choose from one of our gorgeous layouts, and we will tailor it to your brand with your logo, branding colors, content, and images chosen to tell your story and attract your perfect customer. A quick and budget-friendly option.

Custom Websites

This option is for those who need a fully customized website to suit their brand’s unique needs. Interact with your ideal customers through a site that shows off the best of your brand.

Support Plans

It takes under one second for someone to have a first impression of your website. Make sure it’s always a good one! We offer plans to keep your website fast, up to date and secure.   Plans can include theme and plugin updating, performance optimization, security audits, content updates, and more.

Website Layouts

Our Tailored Sites are a quick & cost effective alternative to a fully Custom Site. We can help you decide which you need.

Your business is important to us. We want you to succeed!

Our Process

Wondering what it will be like to work with us? Here’s how we do our website magic.


Consultation Call & Questionnaire

Schedule a free 20 minute consultation call and we can get to know each other! If we all agree that we’d make a great team, we’ll send you an indepth questionaire to learn all we need to know about your project before we really dig in!


Discovery Meeting

This is the really fun part! We will meet and dive deeply into all the nuts and bolts that will build the foundation on which we can create a website that connects you to the people who need you most! This often includes: what makes your brand special, who you want to connect to, what story you want to tell, how this website will need to serve your brand, and so much more! You will talk and we will listen (and ask lots of questions).


Design & Refine

We take what we’ve gleaned from the discovery meeting and design a website that helps your perfect customers connect with your brand. Using your brand colors, logo and content, we craft a tailored or custom website to suit your specific needs. You will have a chance to review the site, and we will refine it using your feedack. Once the website it approved, we move to the final step.


Optimize & Launch

This final step is all about making your website look and run great on all devices. We will make sure images are optimized for the web, ensure that your site is responsive (seamlessly functions on smart phones, tablets and computers), and a whole bunch of other stuff to make the user experience easy and satisfying. Then we all get to do a little happy dance as we launch the website!

"It was clear that Christine was listening to really understand what I wanted out of the site, what my business does, its branding, and who my clients are, because she pretty much achieved the vision I had for my site with her first draft."


Sheryl Woodhouse, Founder



"I love my new website! I am extremely happy with both the process and the final result. Christine has been great to work with. She has gone above and beyond to make sure all the moving parts work together seamlessly. From hosting plans to emails to optimization, each part of the process has been given thorough attention."


Timothy Neill, Owner & Lead Art Conservator

"Our company now has a website that reflects who we are! We feel grateful to have Christine on board, and that her first project with us was our very own website! She brought what is unique about our services & our approach, and translated it to a web experience that allows potential customers to get a sense of what it’s like to work with us."


Steve Mascari, Owner

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Bloomington, Indiana

Btown Creative